LRN Level 2 Certificate and Diploma in Pre A Foundation Studies

The LRN Level 2 Certificate and Diploma in Pre A Foundation Studies is designed to help candidates in enhance their understanding and knowledge across a number of general based subjects.  This qualification will prepare candidates for entry to Advanced level study.

Face-to-face or online, with teaching presentation


34 to 45

RQF level



Written assignments

Qualification Accreditation Numbers


Total Qualification Time

Total: Certificate – 600 hours; Diploma – 1150 hours
a. Guided learning hours (GLH): Certificate – 300 hours; Diploma – 500 hours
b. Certificate – 200 hours; Diploma – 450 hours
c. Certificate – 50 hours; Diploma – 100 hours
d. Certificate – 50 hours; Diploma – 100 hours

Mandatory Units (220 hours)

21 credits must be achieved

Optional Units (540 hours)

dependent on qualification

Course description

The LRN Level 2 Certificate and Diploma in Pre A Foundation Studies is designed to help candidates in enhance their understanding and knowledge across a number of general based subjects.  This qualification will prepare candidates for entry to Advanced level study.


This specification provides an overview of the three LRN qualifications ranging from Certificate to Diploma in Pre A Foundation Studies. This document is suitable for various users, including candidates, centres, administrators, employers, parents/guardians, teachers (and other educational based staff) and examiners. The specification outlines the key features and administrative procedures required for each of the specified qualifications.


The LRN Level 2 suite of Pre A Foundation Studies qualifications are designed to help candidates in enhance their understanding and knowledge across a number of general based subjects. The qualification will either enable candidates to progress to higher qualifications or for entry to Advanced level study.

Candidate Category

1. are ready to progress to suitable higher level of advanced level study but require an underpinning qualification;
2. require a stronger foundation across general subjects (at certificate or diploma);
3. do not have a formal qualification in order to enable access to higher education.

Entry Requirements

Candidates should have:
1. A sound level of understanding across GCSE subjects; 2. General subject knowledge (e.g. – English, Maths, Science, Business); 3. Level 1/First Diploma (in a relevant subject with merit);
Candidates must also have a speaking, listening, reading and writing ability that is commensurate to CEFR Level B1 (or equivalent). This is to ensure they meet the communication requirements for this qualification.


The LRN Level 2 suite of Pre A Foundation Studies qualifications have been designed to
reflect the wide variation in candidates’ origins, levels of education and career aims.
Progression opportunities may, therefore, take a variety of paths. Depending on the level of
qualification achieved, it may be appropriate for the candidate to progress to:

  1. Progression to higher qualifications (e.g. – Certificate to Diploma);
  2. A Level 3 qualification in their chosen subject area;
  3. LRN Level 3 Diploma in Pre U Foundation Studies
  4. A higher level of any qualification – e.g. Diploma
  5. National or Vocationally Related Qualifications

Subject Matter

LRN has developed these units in line with feedback from industry as well as taking on board feedback via its annual customer survey. With the exception of the study skills units, other unit content is preparatory and provides candidates with an introduction to the subject matter.

Mode of Delivery

These qualifications have been constructed to be delivered in a number of educational institutions, including schools, colleges, training providers and employers. The mode of delivery is for the centre to decide and is suited to face-to-face, remote (online or blended). As part of its centre accreditation process, for these qualifications, LRN must be assured as to the suitability of the centre’s intended delivery approach. Centres must demonstrate, in line with LRN’s criteria, that they have the means, capability, capacity and resources (including suitably qualified centre staff) to deliver the qualifications by the method chosen by the centre.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Whilst LRN is open to the potential for candidates having some form of prior knowledge and given the composite nature of this qualification, all applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Please refer to LRN’s policy on the Recognition of Prior Learning to determine whether previously achieved qualifications meet LRN’s policy on possible exemptions. All instances of RPL must be approved by LRN prior to delivery.

Language of Assessment

LRN aims to use English that is plain, clear, free from bias and appropriate to all candidates. LRN will ensure the assessment materials, stimuli and the assessment itself is carried out in English.

Credit Breakdown

For candidates wishing to obtain the Level 2 Certificate in Pre A Foundation Studies, they must achieve a minimum of 34 credits (rule of combination applies, see below) and for candidates wishing to achieve the Level 2 Diploma in Pre A Foundation Studies, candidates must achieve a minimum of 45 credits (rule of combination applies, see below).

Qualification Overview

The LRN Level 2 suite of Pre A Foundation Studies qualifications are split into Certificate and Diploma. The following structure will apply across the two qualifications, however, the achievement of credit will determine the candidate’s final qualification.