
Each qualification cycle is commissioned to provide the necessary resources for each item writing team. Commissioning meetings are held at least twice a year, or more frequently when required.

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Content Development

Content Development meetings are attended by the content development team and relate directly to non-item development but impact directly on the item writing process.

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Item Writing Review Process

Item writers create items and engage in peer review (up to one rewrite allowed on the item writer’s work) using a reviewer’s checklist to evaluate each other’s work. If an item is rewritten more than once, it is considered invalid. Reviewers’ feedback is also sampled by the test development writers, who make adjustments based on the reviewers’ input before resubmitting the item.

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QWG Review

Once written and reviewed, items are submitted to the Qualifications Working Group (QWG), who are asked to evaluate the qualification in its entirety, considering the following:

1.    Appropriateness of the entire paper for the testing cohort

2.    Presentation and layout of the paper

3.    Appropriateness and sensitivity

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The trialing phase takes place to ensure that items can be used in subsequent live tests. Feedback is collected from:

1.    Candidates

2.    Examiners

3.    Teachers/Tutors (where applicable)


The results of the pilot test are then presented to experts who follow LRN psychometric guidelines to measure the validity, considering the content and difficulty of the item based on the pilot data, to ensure the test meets the required standards.

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