LRN International AS and A Level Economics (7141)

The LRN International AS & A Level Economics is designed to enable international candidates to demonstrate their ability across a broad range of advanced Economic Fundamentals, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Government Interventions.



International A Level: A*, A, B, C, D or E
International AS Level: A, B, C, D or E


Written Exams

Guided Learning Hours

Total: 180 and 360 guided learning hours


This specification provides an overview of the LRN International AS & A Level Economics. It is suitable for various users, including candidates, centers, administrators, employers, parents/guardians, teachers (and other education-based staff), and examiners. The specification outlines the key features and administrative procedures required for this international qualification.


The LRN International AS & A Level Economics program aims to enable international candidates to demonstrate their proficiency across a broad range of advanced Economic Fundamentals, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Government Interventions.

Mode of Delivery

This qualification is designed to be delivered within centers. Centers must demonstrate to LRN, through the center recognition processes, that they have the resources, facilities, and competence to deliver the program. Additionally, centers must prove, in line with LRN’s criteria, that they have the means, capability, capacity, and resources (including suitably qualified center staff) for delivery.


The LRN International AS & A Level Economics program accommodates the wide variation in candidates’ origins, education levels, and career goals. Consequently, progression opportunities may take various paths. Depending on the level of qualification achieved, candidates may progress to:


       A similar Level 3 qualification in Economics;

       LRN Level 3 Diploma in Pre-U Foundation Studies;

       A higher-level qualification – e.g., HNC/HND or Degree;

       Vocationally Related Qualifications.

Breakdown of Assessment Objectives

       AO 1 – Demonstrate an understanding of economic agents and associated issues.

       AO 2 – Apply knowledge and understanding of economic concepts and issues to various contexts.

       AO 3 – Analyze issues within economic activity, showing an understanding of the impact on economic agents and markets of external and internal influences.

       AO 4 – Evaluate quantitative and qualitative information to make informed judgments and propose evidence-based solutions to economic issues.

Guided Learning Hours

The LRN International AS Level guided learning hours (GLH) are 180, and the LRN International A Level requires 360 guided learning hours. Please note that the hours stated are indicative.


The LRN International A Level will be graded on a six-point scale: A*, A, B, C, D, and E, while the LRN International AS Level will be graded on a five-point scale: A, B, C, D, and E. Candidates who fail to reach the minimum standard for grade E will be recorded as U (unclassified) and will not receive a qualification certificate.



Exam series are in:

       January (results released in March)

       June (results released in August)

       November (results released in January)


Candidates can retake each paper as often as they wish, within the shelf-life of the specification.