Ahead of the learning curve

Hands working with a laptop on the white office desk with a mobile phone, a title online study on the both screens. Education, business concept photo

Having already gained – and retained – the Customer Service Excellence (CSE) standard (known as the gold standard for customer service delivery), in December 2018, LRN has gone from strength to strength; resulting in the new award for extended efforts in providing outstanding customer service. The Compliance Plus award was welcomed by LRN’s CEO, Muhammad Tariq, who says, ‘The Compliance Plus award means that we have surpassed good customer service to achieve great customer service. We’re particularly pleased with the fact that we gained the award through first delivering on our service promises and providing value for our customers and, secondly, being judged superior to many similar providers in the industry.’

LRN can consider itself in good company as previous recipients of the Compliance Plus award include the library of Liverpool University, UK Engage and Southway Housing.

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